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The Crash Course is a collaborative journey 

into the key insights of the world's great wisdom traditions. 

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the crash course


A three hour experience, the Crash Course immerses participants in a series of thought experiments, guided meditations, and partner exercises that bring profound introspective insights to life experientially.


"Want a new, liberating perspective on your life? Clancey's got you covered.


His passion, curiosity, and downright charming aura make him the ideal guide to help you explore your mind and the broader YOUniverse. 

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Seeing I to I

Everyone has an ego, but not everyone has an understanding of how it operates within our daily lives or how it creates suffering.  In the Crash Course, we learn about the ego directly and share our insights with our fellow participants.

Aleksandra Rzeźnik 

advertising executive

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For me personally, The Crash Course has improved the way I perceive and experience life.  

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Trent Ubben 


Connect the Dots

Drawing on a variety of contemplative, philosophical, and spiritual traditions including Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and Transpersonal Psychology, the workshop seeks to bring humanity's great contemplative insights to life in playful but powerful ways that can be immediately applied to our daily lives.

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